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Maker unknown Scale ?

Completed November of 2019

This Styracosaurus bust was part of the Amazing Figure Modeler Boot Camp at Wonderfest of 2019. I took the class to learn some new techniques for painting and it was very instructional. Up until now I've used dry brushing as a way to highlight small details on starships or equipment. This class taught us how to drybrush over the same spot multiple times to make subtle color changes with the same color. In this case it was making the scales darker on top and slowing blending them in to the cracks in the flesh just by going over it again and again with the same amount of pressure and very little paint. ​

I made several mistakes in the class and I also noticed that some seam lines were still showing. I took the opportunity to strip all the paint down, fix the seam lines and give it a new paint job where I wasn't pressured with a time limit. I'm much happier with how this second attempt came out.


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